"Care" Card

Kindly visit Orange Pharmacies nearest branch to get "Care" card. It will grant you more exclusive privileges and discounts assigned for "Care" card holders.

Joining “Care” card holders will enable you to collect more points and benefit from special offers and discounts which are granted to “Care” card holders only.

How to get "Care" card?


When you register at any branch of Orange Pharmacies, a link will be sent to your mobile phone to complete the registration data.


Or, you can register via the application of Orange.

How to collect points in "Care" card?


As of 1/1/2021, the calculation of points will be restructured (taking into account the preservation of the value and amounts of cash discounts allocated in clients' accounts before the date of 1/1/2021) and the previous points will be recalculated with the new mechanism and customers will retain their previous cash discounts before applying the new mechanism.


When you subscribe to the (Care) program, and in return for your purchases of all products, you will get the following: When you buy a luxury product for 100 riyals, you will get 100 points. When you buy pharmaceutical products for 100 riyals, you will get 75 points. When you buy 100 riyals of milk and diaper products, you will get 25 points


When you want to buy from the online store, please register in the store with the same mobile number registered in the Enaya program, in order for the points to be calculated in the purchasing operations.


The points appear in the customer’s balance within 48 hours of the last purchase from the branches or store.


Exceptions are made from the calculation of points (medical insurance drugs and special offer products).


The management has the right to amend the above bonuses without referring to the customer.

How I can exchange my points with rewards؟


You can redeem any points earned from your purchase bill 48 hours after the bill was issued.


When you get (250 points), you will get a discount (10 riyals) when you buy any product from all branches of Orange pharmacies.

How I can know my points balance؟

You can ask the pharmacist directly.

WhatsApp communication with Enaya customer service (0505836161).

Visit the online store.

Terms and conditions

Data Protection

Data Protection

  1. We are committed to protecting the information of our valued customers and applying accurate standards in protecting and protecting customer information.
Membership Validity

Membership Validity

  1. Membership validity from subscription: 18 months.
  2. If the points are not used for 6 consecutive months, the points earned in the subscriber’s account will be canceled
General Conditions

General Conditions

  1. Your use of Enaya points indicates your agreement to the terms and conditions of Enaya points, and the management has the right to amend the terms without referring to the customer.
  2.  In the event that the customer used Enaya points for special offers only, the administration has the right to cancel the subscription without referring to the customer
  3. The management has the right to cancel the subscription and the points earned without referring to the customer.